Ummm...And I think that's about it for now. Nothing particularly exciting has happened the last couple of months. I really should find something to do...OH, and I'm gonna post some pictures of our sunflowers on my other blog, so go check those out if you wanna. :)
Thursday, July 21, 2011
Just Stuffff...
Hellooo. So, summer's almost over, and I'm not sure whether I should be happy because I'll have something to DO during the day, or cry because my freedom to sleep in as late as I want will be totally gone. *Sigh* Oh well... I'm still kinda nervous about starting High School, especially since it's now so close, but I figure that the first day will be the hardest. After that, maybe it won't be so bad. I hope.
Monday, May 23, 2011
So, long time no see, huh? It's been a little over a year since I've written on this blog...I should probably apologize for that. Nobody seems to have missed me very much, though, so I'm gonna go ahead and forgive myself.
Anyways, I've finished my seventh and eighth grade years of school, and am now moving on to the ninth. Everyone tells us how difficult it's gonna be, what with the tons of homework, annoying upperclassmen, yada, yada, yada. But they've hardly said anything good about high school. Except, of course, for Chicken Day in the cafeteria. That seems to have been their highlight of high school, which is a little sad. Hopefully things are better than they make them out to be. First, however, I have two whole months of summer vacation before I have to worry about any of that. :D Woot, woot!
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Ok, so, I finally have a follower! I have a reason to keep writing now. :) Yay. Tell your friends, my follower!
I haven't had much time to write more for that story I posted earlier, what with school, etc., but I will post some more as soon as I can. On other news...PIZZA BURGERS! Probably not very healthy, but seem to be EXTREMELY DELICIOUS. :D I haven't had them yet, so I don't know. But I will soon! And I will comment and tell you how they are.
Sooo...CRCT is next week. Woohoo. My principal makes a big huge deal about how exciting and intense it is, but we the students, on the other hand, are all dying a little bit inside. I mean, what psycho actually likes a week long test, five days a week, two hours a day? Hmmm? Nobody I know. The only good that comes with this test is no learning. Plus, we get random treats like Mountain Dew and granola bars in the morning, and gum during the test. And then there's the really long break we get outside, which is incredible if you go to my school. Yeah...Can't wait for this to finally be over.
MMMMM...well I think the Pizza Burgers are almost done, so now I shall go eat. :) GoOdByE!
Monday, April 19, 2010
Um....hello nobody. I'm slightly tempted to stop writing my blog because no one is reading it. But I haven't decided yet. I only know of two people who are reading this, and right now I don't know if even they are. I mean, I have no followers, and I don't know what else to do to get people to read my blog, so....Yeah. I don't know yet. I guess we'll see later...comment if anyone actually reads this! :(
Friday, April 16, 2010
So a few weeks ago, I wrote a poem for a contest at my school. It's titled "Spring". I think I wrote it mostly because I was so depressed about winter. I even learned at school that girls like spring better than winter, and tend to feel a little sad when it's cold out. And I totally agree. I love spring and summer. Who doesn't? Anyways, here's the poem:
As the warm air chilled,
My heart was filled,
With a sadness I had not known.
The flowers all died,
And as I cried,
The ground was covered with snow.
Months and months passed,
Before the soft green grass,
Came back to the meadows.
The sun came back out,
Animals ran about,
And daffodils grew in rows.
As the warm air chilled,
My heart was filled,
With a sadness I had not known.
The flowers all died,
And as I cried,
The ground was covered with snow.
Months and months passed,
Before the soft green grass,
Came back to the meadows.
The sun came back out,
Animals ran about,
And daffodils grew in rows.

Today I finally got rid of my depressing old phone that I've had for 4 years. I now have a lovely hand-me-down blue Blitz. Here is a picture of it:-----------------------> It's SOOOO much better than my old LG something or other. It's a sad feeling to have when children who are 6 or 7 years old have better phones than you. Thank God that I've got my fabulous best friend, Sarah, who used to have this Blitz. I got it for free from her. :) THANK YOU!!!
Hey! So Friday came at last. I finally get to sleep in again! YES. I just have one question...why do Fridays always go by sooooo slowly? Hmm? There's absolutely no good reason why. None. Oh well, at least I know that Friday'll always come. :)
So...I might have a new idea for a story. By the way, for some reason it won't indent, so i had to put a space between the paragraphs. It's a work in progress, but here's some of it:
My shoes squeaked loudly as I stepped slowly down the school's main hallway. Several people turned to see what was making the obnoxious noise, and I felt a blush flood my face. It was difficult being the new girl. Especially when you have squeaky shoes.
I finally found my new classroom and opened the door. The smell of cleaning liquids and Expo Marker filled my nose. Everyone who was already in the classroom immediately snapped their heads up to look at the intruder. The blush came back, now even deeper. My eyes searched for someone who looked like the teacher, but found no such person. As I was about to walk back out of the classroom, thinking I'd had the wrong one, a very short woman, almost shorter than me, came up to the front of the classroom. She had chin-length brown hair and small oval glasses. She was very thin, and extremely short. It appeared that she hadn't noticed me enter.
"Alright, everyone, welcome back. I know you're all simply ecstatic to be here, right?" This was followed by a chorus of groans. "My feelings exactly." Then the whole class laughed. The woman still hadn't noticed me.
I was about to step towards her, and ask if she knew where I was, but as this thought occurred, a student with light hair pulled in a ponytail spoke for me.
"Mrs. Chandler? I think this is a new student." To me, she smiled and said,"Hi, I'm Jennifer, but you can call me Jen."
I smiled back and said quietly,"I'm Chloe. It's nice to meet you." Mrs. Chandler was the right teacher. I felt myself sigh with relief.
The short woman peered at me from beneath her small oval spectacles, with a seemingly suprised look on her face.
"Oh! Hello, I didn't see you there. And your name is Chloe? Um, let me just check the roll, here...oh, is your last name Marcus?" I nodded once. "Oh, lovely! Well, welcome to Marble Wood High. Where would you like to sit, hon?" I glanced nervously around the full classroom. There weren't any particularily normal looking people to sit next to, but that was probably because I just didn't know them. Then I saw an empty seat next to the girl who had said her name was Jen. She saw me looking at the chair, and grinned ecouragingly. So I cautiously squeaked over to the chair and sat down. Jen nodded in approval, and I smiled back. I could already tell that we would be good friends.
"Good, now we've got you all settled in. So, let's get started. Now we need to go over the rules in the student handbook...unless Chloe would like to tell us a little bit about herself?" Mrs. Chandler gestured for me to stand and come to the front of the classroom. Instead, I stayed seated, and spoke from there.
"Well, I'm from a really small town in Northern Georgia. I grew up there, so this whole place is pretty new to me. The cities, the lights, the ocean only being a few minutes away. I like it here. My mom got a new job out here, much better that the old one she had. She's an art teacher, a really good one. She works here, now, too."
"What did she do before you came to California?" someone asked out loud.
I grinned and said,"She was an english teacher." I heard numerous chuckles from some of the students."She prefers art, though."
"Your accent sounds weird," said a boy with cropped brown hair. I frowned at him and said,"So? Yours sounds weird to me. What's the difference?" That shut him up. Clearly th arrogant kid didn't have a snarky enough comeback. His answering glare was enough. I felt my face go red again. My first day and I already have someone who's mad at me. Perfect. Just what I need.
"Um...any other questions for Chloe?" Mrs. Chandler finally seemed to sense my discomfort at this last comment. To my dismay, a few hands shot up. What could be so interesting about a girl from a small town in Georgia, for crying out loud?
"Yes, Gregory. Your question?" Mrs. Chandler had picked a boy with shaggy blonde hair, about the same shade as mine. The same goes for his dark brown eyes, the exact color of mine.
"Why did your mom have to move all the way out here just to be an art teacher? Don't you have art classes at your old school?" He seemed to realize after a moment why I didn't answer and just stood there with a hurt expression on my face, because he said,"Not that we aren't glad you moved here, or anything, I promise. I'm just curious." This did make me feel a little better, so I replied,"Actually, we've wanted to move down here for a while. My mom has been saving since before I was even born so she could buy us the best house in the neighborhood."
"Which neighborhood is that?" Gregory asked. I looked for a sound of mockery in his voice, but there was none. When I looked at his face, there truly was only curiosity there.
"Marble Wood Subdivision." A few surprised gasps came from the class. Then a some kids looked almost...sullen. I wondered why. What was so sad about the Marble Wood Subdivision?
So...I might have a new idea for a story. By the way, for some reason it won't indent, so i had to put a space between the paragraphs. It's a work in progress, but here's some of it:
My shoes squeaked loudly as I stepped slowly down the school's main hallway. Several people turned to see what was making the obnoxious noise, and I felt a blush flood my face. It was difficult being the new girl. Especially when you have squeaky shoes.
I finally found my new classroom and opened the door. The smell of cleaning liquids and Expo Marker filled my nose. Everyone who was already in the classroom immediately snapped their heads up to look at the intruder. The blush came back, now even deeper. My eyes searched for someone who looked like the teacher, but found no such person. As I was about to walk back out of the classroom, thinking I'd had the wrong one, a very short woman, almost shorter than me, came up to the front of the classroom. She had chin-length brown hair and small oval glasses. She was very thin, and extremely short. It appeared that she hadn't noticed me enter.
"Alright, everyone, welcome back. I know you're all simply ecstatic to be here, right?" This was followed by a chorus of groans. "My feelings exactly." Then the whole class laughed. The woman still hadn't noticed me.
I was about to step towards her, and ask if she knew where I was, but as this thought occurred, a student with light hair pulled in a ponytail spoke for me.
"Mrs. Chandler? I think this is a new student." To me, she smiled and said,"Hi, I'm Jennifer, but you can call me Jen."
I smiled back and said quietly,"I'm Chloe. It's nice to meet you." Mrs. Chandler was the right teacher. I felt myself sigh with relief.
The short woman peered at me from beneath her small oval spectacles, with a seemingly suprised look on her face.
"Oh! Hello, I didn't see you there. And your name is Chloe? Um, let me just check the roll, here...oh, is your last name Marcus?" I nodded once. "Oh, lovely! Well, welcome to Marble Wood High. Where would you like to sit, hon?" I glanced nervously around the full classroom. There weren't any particularily normal looking people to sit next to, but that was probably because I just didn't know them. Then I saw an empty seat next to the girl who had said her name was Jen. She saw me looking at the chair, and grinned ecouragingly. So I cautiously squeaked over to the chair and sat down. Jen nodded in approval, and I smiled back. I could already tell that we would be good friends.
"Good, now we've got you all settled in. So, let's get started. Now we need to go over the rules in the student handbook...unless Chloe would like to tell us a little bit about herself?" Mrs. Chandler gestured for me to stand and come to the front of the classroom. Instead, I stayed seated, and spoke from there.
"Well, I'm from a really small town in Northern Georgia. I grew up there, so this whole place is pretty new to me. The cities, the lights, the ocean only being a few minutes away. I like it here. My mom got a new job out here, much better that the old one she had. She's an art teacher, a really good one. She works here, now, too."
"What did she do before you came to California?" someone asked out loud.
I grinned and said,"She was an english teacher." I heard numerous chuckles from some of the students."She prefers art, though."
"Your accent sounds weird," said a boy with cropped brown hair. I frowned at him and said,"So? Yours sounds weird to me. What's the difference?" That shut him up. Clearly th arrogant kid didn't have a snarky enough comeback. His answering glare was enough. I felt my face go red again. My first day and I already have someone who's mad at me. Perfect. Just what I need.
"Um...any other questions for Chloe?" Mrs. Chandler finally seemed to sense my discomfort at this last comment. To my dismay, a few hands shot up. What could be so interesting about a girl from a small town in Georgia, for crying out loud?
"Yes, Gregory. Your question?" Mrs. Chandler had picked a boy with shaggy blonde hair, about the same shade as mine. The same goes for his dark brown eyes, the exact color of mine.
"Why did your mom have to move all the way out here just to be an art teacher? Don't you have art classes at your old school?" He seemed to realize after a moment why I didn't answer and just stood there with a hurt expression on my face, because he said,"Not that we aren't glad you moved here, or anything, I promise. I'm just curious." This did make me feel a little better, so I replied,"Actually, we've wanted to move down here for a while. My mom has been saving since before I was even born so she could buy us the best house in the neighborhood."
"Which neighborhood is that?" Gregory asked. I looked for a sound of mockery in his voice, but there was none. When I looked at his face, there truly was only curiosity there.
"Marble Wood Subdivision." A few surprised gasps came from the class. Then a some kids looked almost...sullen. I wondered why. What was so sad about the Marble Wood Subdivision?
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